Thursday, October 2, 2008


There was a 4.1 earthquake last night centered in Yucaipa. It was around 2:30am and I woke up to a jolt and then trembling that seemed to go on for awhile. Seconds seem like minutes during an earthquake. Kennedy was the only one that woke up and came into our room. I am so glad the others slept through it. So for the rest of the night every time Travis would turn in the bed I thought it was another one coming and my stomach would drop. It made for a long night. There has only been one aftershock, but I couldn't feel it. I had no idea before I moved here that Yucaipa is based on, not just one, but a FEW fault lines. Well I am glad this was not the BIG one. Time to fill my last water barrel!


♥Mommy Of 2♥ said...

Hey, Jim and I both woke with a jolt too but the girls slept through it. I was thinking if it was a big one I better not be in my G's. Time to put our getaway bags by our beds:) Gotta ove Cali!

folsom3rdRS said...

Just one of the reasons I am glad we moved. Crazy! I am glad for all of your sakes that it was not the big one. It is nice to have those little reminders to be prepared.

The McGary's said...

yikes, scary!! Not sure I would know how to handle that.

Lisa R said...

I don't miss those! I thought we'd be safe in Colorado but we had a tornado scare about a month ago.

Unknown said...

Good luck with that. I have yet to be in one, knock on wood, but I know they must be coming our way because the church is earthquake proofing all the church buildings in this area. I just hope we are gone before she hits. In the meantime, I'll fill another water bottle just in case.=)

Kristi said...

NICE! We were on our way to San Diego that day. Glad we weren't around. Earthquakes scare me!

Thanks again for the stay, food, and visit. We had so much fun with you and appreciate your kindness and hospitality. Hailey also loves Drew (mr. sneaky)