Well I am not so good at this "tag" thing in the blog world, but I will try. I am suppose to tell you 6 quirks of mine:
1. I can't stand being late. I am the type person who sets a standard for myself and I need to do it, and that's being on time. I don't care about others being late to church or events, it's just about myself. I feel like if I am late, I am being disrespectful to "whoever" has put together the activity, and I feel rude. On Sunday mornings when we are driving to church and we are borderline on time or not, I start accusing Travis of purposefully driving slow to get me mad. (He probably is just driving along trying to feel the spirit) He ends up laughing at me, and tells me "he thinks I have and OCD problem with being punctual".
2. I have mental issues with food. I have never liked fish. The taste, smell, look, touch, nothing. Because of this I have convinced myself to never eat anything that swims under water.
3. OK all you hunters out there are totally going to roll your eyes at this one. I will not eat "game" meat. If it's not a normal item you can purchase in the grocery store, then I have no desire to eat it. Even if it tasted delicious, I have no interests to have a dinner plate full of gamy food. Now I know your saying, "well what if your dying", then I must say that would be the only way. In the past when I have been put on the spot to eat it, it ends up in tears. I know, completely mental.
4. I can't eat or drink after my kids. Travis can, but if I want something they didn't finish, I have to rip off where they bit first.
5. I have to have something between my knees when I sleep. Whether it be a pillow, or some of the blanket bunched up. I don't like the feeling of them touching.
6. If I know someone is awake in the house when I am going to bed, then I have to have the door totally shut, or I can't fall asleep in fear that I will be awakened by any noise.
OK now I am embarrassed you guys know all this dirt on me, how ironic it's mainly about food and sleep. Travis always says, I am happiest when good food enters the room. So I guess I have to tag 6 people: Kristen, Amye, Jenna, Liz, Jande, Jen