Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Liz is here!

My sister Liz came to play......I always love when she comes because she is so funny and is always up for anything. When she got here I couldn't stop starring at her, she has lost 50lbs and looks FAB! Thanks to my husband we were able to spend some sister time together ......exercising, laying out, shopping, lunch, toes, and of course dessert!
Here we are in our matching outfits we bought at the store. We played with the idea of dressing like twins when we went out to lunch together, wisely we passed....
Davie & Kamryn

Neither of us knew it, but our girls had matching swimsuits.....you gotta love Target!

They even got into trouble with each other. They would go in the bathroom and make "bubbles" in the sink. The bathroom had an inch of water on the floor and they were drenched head to toe by the time we found them....twice.


Leticia said...

SO CUTE!!! YOU guys do look alike! WOW!! What exercise program did she do...?? SHe looks great as well as you! CUTE outfits too...Target..???

Amye Kay said...

Liz looks great! How fun to match, we just did that this week on multiple items and sleepwear even :)

The McGary's said...

Tell Liz she does look AWESOME! Maybe Jennifer and I need to move away from eachother so we can have a sisters day out. Right now the men think we don't need anything like that since we talk on the phone enough! Time to put my foot down.