Sunday, October 4, 2009

Rattle Snake!

This has been quite the week.......I heard Kennedy yelling my name over and over. When I went to find her in the garage, she told me there was a rattle snake in the garage. So I went to open the door, and she said "Don't open it! It's right by the door!" I told her not to move and ran to get Travis. We hurried and found the garage door opener to get her out. All Travis needed was some tools and a neighbor to help, and he took care of business. It was a baby rattler, I hope it's MOM is not in my Christmas box!


Amye Kay said...

I just had the dreaded "SNAKE" dream. I hate snakes more than anything else! So much so, if I dream about them I won't get out of bed as I think they are on the floor. I would have died. I have come across a rattle in UT as I was stepping out onto my moms porch, heard the rattle, looked down, and there is was a few feet away looking at me. I ran, Jared used the hose and sprayed it out to the drive way and then rolled over it with my car!

Karin said...

Hope life settles down for you soon! We love you and are praying for you!!!

Jeff and Aimee said...

I'm surprised you were calm enough to take a picture of it. Good job!

Salisbury's said...

That sounds like fun! I hope you don't find an early Christmas present in your boxes! I bet you will be openin everything very carefully!

Brian and Jennifer said...

I'm afraid I would have moved out. Snakes are my worst fear. I think Luke has an appointment today. LEt us know how it goes.

Unknown said...

Now that is a stressful week! I am glad you found the snake and nobody got hurt. As for Luke, my goodness!! We will keep him in our prayers and add him to the SL temple prayer roll. Keep us posted.