Saturday, May 9, 2009


Luke got 10 stitches Friday night.  He and his cousin were playing t-ball, and he accidentally got hit with a metal bat in the head!  Clint said it was so deep he could see his skull!  I was so grateful for family that night.  Clint rode with Travis to hold Luke and gave him a blessing while they were driving to the ER.   Then Paige came and took my kids so I could go be there by him.  He was so brave and barely cried.  He got 3 stitches on the inside and 7 on the outside.  Ironically, Travis bought Luke his first metal bat the next day.  I was teasing him that it is to make Luke face his fears.  Needless to say, there have been some new rules set in the house.  This situation could have been a whole lot worse, so we feel blessed.


LaRose Crew said...

Mere - the pix didn't load - I want to see the stitched flesh! Poor Luke

The McGary's said...

Poor little guy! You tell Luke that he and I have very similar stories. I was in 4th grade and was at the neighbors house playing baseball. I walked behind the batter and got wacked in the head with a wooden bat. I didn't have to get stitches but I had a bump the size of a golf ball on my forehead. You tell him it will only make him better at baseball:) Also tell him not to break his nose because that happened to me after highschool and I haven't been able to play the same since:) Hope he heals quickly.

Unknown said...

My goodness you have had quite the eventful last couple of days! I do hope life slows down a bit for you all.

Kristen said...

Wow, what a weekend. I am so glad everyone is safe. I am laughing about your "evacuation in style." Ok so Camden just passed by and saw Luke's picture he told me to keep it up so he could show his friend Alex. Alex comes over and Camden says "this is my cousin, well friend, from California. He is nice and he has a pool, hot tub and a flat screen tv." I thought that was cute.

Amye Kay said...

For some reason I thought, from reading Clint's Facebook comment it was his son, but it was YOUR son! I am gald that wasn't a bigger accident. Taylor has been hit by quite a few fast balls in the minors this year, the boys are still trying to figure pitching out...anyway, I am gald your house wasn't affected by the fire and that you are safe...Let me know if you hear from Jeff!

marshallfamilyhappenings said...

Mere- I haven't looked at your blog for so long and I have to say I was literally laughing out loud at all the posts. I can't decide which one was my favorite- the costco van or drew being left at church or picturing you banging on all your neighbors doors frantically with your wispy hair blowing in the wind, your eyes have shut with panic.

Krissy Lowe said...

Tell Luke we hope he feels better! Can't wait to see you guys in a couple of weeks.

Lianna said...

Poor Luke!
Those metal bats can do some serious damage.
I am so glad he is okay!Hope you are all doing good! How is 3rd ward treating you guys?

Meredith Salisbury said...
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