Thursday, May 7, 2009


This has been such an eventful weekend.  Thursday afternoon I got a phone call from a friend who informed me that she could see a fire by my house.  So I went to check it out and this is what I saw, right at the end of our cultesac! (Click on the pictures to make them bigger).

The kids and I started to run and knock on all the doors.  A neighbor called 911 and they told us that the firefighters were there and working on it.
They were using these planes to drop the dust, they flew so close to our houses that it rattled them.
All of the neighbors hoping the firefighters are getting a grip on it.
The helicopter was so close we could feel the mist from the water it was dumping on the fire. 

Firefighters on our hill.
The end result

Kind of a funny story:  I had a Modbe party to go get ready for in the middle of this.  After I knew the fire was in control and there would be no need to evacuate, I went upstairs to get dressed.  Well, when I came down all done up, carrying a big bin of Modbe clothes out of my house, it looked like I was evacuating.  Travis had to joke with the neighbors that I was evacuating in style, and only packing up my closet.  Forget photo albums, birth certificates, and medical records. j/k.  The fire fighters did such an amazing job, I am so grateful to be in such good hands. Thanks Yucaipa FD!


QueenScarlett said...

Glad you guys are safe...

Lisa R said...

WOW! How scary. Glad they got it out.

Trent said...

That last picture, if you click on it to enlarge it.....there is a UFO.

Julie said...

Wow- that is super scary, it was so close. Good thing for firefighters!

family said...

Holy Cow! I saw that smoke but didn't realize it was so close to your house. SCARY!!!!!!