Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Happy Birthday Drew

Drew with Benson, Kennedy, Kenzi, Brynn, Luke, and Landon Salisbury

My little man is 3yrs old (he insisted on having more than 3 candles). I love the 3rd birthday because I have graduated from the crazy toddler years. As busy as he is, he is worth every mess he did, every chase down, and every time I had/have to carry him back to his bed at night. We went to San Diego for the night to visit his cousins (Landon and Kenzi Salisbury), and then in the morning we headed to Sea World. Drew has been on a whale kick since the last visit, so he got Shamu slippers for his birthday. He really likes it when Travis plays Shamu in the pool. Everyone has to do the chant, then Travis goes around and splashes everyone with his foot(playing a fin), Drew loves it. Drew how did we get so lucky to get you!


marshallfamilyhappenings said...

I just wish he still made that hi pitched noise he made when he was one and we watched him for the weekend. Everytime he did it, Jeremy thought he was choking.

Brian and Jennifer said...

Oh, I'm so jealous seeing you all get together. I would love to make another visit to your part of the country. I can just imagine Travis playing SHamu and doing a little chant along with it. Wish we were closer. I have many thoughts of how fun it would be to live near you with so much fun stuff to do, but truthfully, what in the world would bring us there besides you guys. I wish there was some amazing reason for us to move your way. Drew seems to have lots of personality. I love it. Can you believe the last time I saw him he was like 8 months and we were all loving on his chubs!! So cute!

The McGary's said...

I can't believe it!! Drew is three, that means Kyla is following right behind and I really can't believe I will have a three year old. I have to agree with Jennifer, I haven't seen Drew since the reunion in 2006 and watching him dance and of course grabbing his chubs. he is not so chubby anymore but has transitioned into such a handsome little man. You ought to video Travis being Shamu because that would be a great sight to see:) Miss you guys!

Kristi said...

What a handsome devil-you need to save him for Hailey!
I can see Travis as Shamu. We'll have to ask him to re-inact it for us on our next vacation!

Jen and Brandon said...

I can't believe that he is 3 already, I remember when he was born, and that was just yesterday. I am so glad that you can keep this blog up so that we can watch your kids grow up!!

♥Mommy Of 2♥ said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY DREW! I can't beloeve it already! I love his smile so cute!

Unknown said...

He is so cute! Oh, and so is your 3 year old. j/k=)

Leticia said...

Happy Birthday Drew!!!
I can't believe your little man is 3!!! IT seems like yesterday that all the boys were born...Kona, Ryan, & Drew!!!
I can relate to this post...Reminds me so much of Ry!
Hope he had a fun day!!!

Mak Attack said...

It's good to see your family. I haven't seen Drew since he was a baby, (if that, I can't remember for sure). What a cute kid. I'll look forward to checking in on you.

Amye Kay said...

UM, Travis as Shamu doesn't surprise me at all! I am aching for Brayden to be 3, he turns 2 in Feb...I am dying in the terrible twos right now. Love the cake in the glass pyrex...reminds me of my childhood...

The Browns said...

Our little Mr. Personality is growing up. It looks like a fun time. Love from Grandma in China

Jill Land said...

What cutie pies you have! It was fun to see you last week.
Does Tracey have a link to your blog?