Friday, August 17, 2012

Priesthood Blessings

Our family had a couple neat Priesthood Blessing experiences:

The first one was with Drew.  He has had a lot of skin issues, eczema, dry skin, and like 8 warts.  His skin on his fingers had been cracking and bleeding, and really bothering him.  He went up to Travis and told him he would like a blessing.  Travis was so impressed that Drew came and asked him.  During the blessing he blessed his skin and that Drew would have comfort.  The next day or so all of Drew warts were gone!  I asked Drew where they all went and he said they were gone from the blessing.  Amazing!

The second one was with Kennedy.  We went to her well check up with the doctor and during the exam she noticed a curve in Kennedy's back.  She was concerned about scoliosis and had us sent over to x-ray.  I was in the room with Kennedy as they took the x-rays and saw the images of her curved spine come up on the screen.  It was really obvious.  Later that week after a radiologist read the x-rays they called us and confirmed she actually had scoliosis at a 15 degree level (anything over 10 degrees is considered scoliosis).  Travis gave Kennedy a blessing and then we were off to an ortho specialists in Loma Linda. When we got there they retook the x-rays ( I was in the room with her again), and went in a room to wait to speak to the PA.  When she came in she said she wasn't sure why Kennedy was sent to us because there was no curve detected in her spine.  She pulled up the x-ray and I couldn't believe my eyes, but her spine was straight.  Medically they couldn't explain it, but our family knew it was the power of the priesthood!

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