Sunday, April 25, 2010

CrAzY hAiR DaY

The kids had "crazy hair day" at school this week, so I had to get a picture. Notice Drew and Kamryn totally posing in the back round, they did that on their own.

Kennedy 9yrs, Luke 7yrs, Brynn 10yrs.
This is a picture of Kennedy practicing piano before school. Her hair consumes her....


Amye Kay said...

Kennedy's hair ROCKS! Girl you need a little more piano support for the kids books. :) How can they read books that are folding back on themselves? Ashlyn presses her face into her books, I am conviced she needs glasses, we are heading in this week to check that out! Did I tell you my Grandpa Wood passed last week?

LaRose Crew said...

looks a lot like the way i used to do your hair in the 80's!