Friday, August 14, 2009

Last day at the Beach

These are my two sweet as can be sister-n- laws. Kelli was in CA just for the day, so we decided to hit the beach one last time before school started!

Kelli, Meredith, Paige
Girl cousins!
My Kam Kam!
Drew Boo
(he showed crack ALL day, the top of his buns had a burn the next morning).
Brynn Bop
Lukie Pook
Playing in the waves

Drew sporting crack.

The girls were on the news! They were one of the kids you
always see in back of the reporter waving like crazy!
It was a great day at the always.


Stephanie said...

What beach do you go to? What was the news report about? Next time you come out to the beach let me know and we can meet you there. :-)

Amye Kay said...

I love all your kids cute pet names!

The McGary's said...

JEALOUS!! Happy late b-day to Travis, hope his day was great!