Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Modbe/Girls Weekend

Emery (8 months) and Kamryn (7 months) taking a bath.
Kristen and I ready to go the the Modbe launch.
Kristen and I on the "runway" of the new Modbe Fall line.
Robin Stevens, Me, and Kristen (Old college roomates)
Ok, I have the best husband ever! He flew me out to UT with Kamryn for a Modbe convention over the weekend, and he stayed home and juggled all the kids and their soccer, church, homework schedules. He did a great job.
So I started selling Modbe clothing (as you can see my link on the side) because the girl who did it in the area was moving, and I really loved the stuff and wanted to keep it accessible to the other women here in CA. So I decided to do it, and have enjoyed it. So I got to escape to Provo and see the launch of the new fall line. They even took volunteers to help show the clothes on the runway, and if you did you got a free pair of jeans! Uh free jeans, they have awesome jeans, so I did it, and it was so much fun. The other great part about this story is I got to spend it with one of my best friends from High school. We met our Sophomore year in England. We have SO many funny memories and inside jokes. She has always been someone that makes me laugh, has the best stories, and great advice. It's always nice to remember what it feels like to be around a life long friend. She came with me Friday night to help hold Kamryn during the fashion show, and then drove me all around to see old friends and family. Thanks Kristen for an unforgettable weekend, and Oh yeah--thanks Trav.


folsom3rdRS said...

Yeah I love it. It was great to see you this weekend!

Lisa R said...

Welcome to the blogging community- Its fun to see whats going on with you guys. Jealous about the pool, I have to say. The outdoor pools in Colorado all close after Labor day!

Kristen said...

Looks great! It will be fun to see pictures and see what you guys are up to. Monday was hard after such a fun weekend of girl time and babysitters. We will have to do it again.

The McGary's said...

Hooray!! I am so excited I have wanted to tell all the siblings they should do it so we can see what is going on with everybody since we are spread across the country, but I haven't wanted to step on anybodies toes or stress people out with just another thing to do:)

It looks like you had a great weekend, I am jealous about the free jeans. You look great by the way!

Travers Tribe said...

What a fun trip. Good job Travis!

Kristi said...

I'm so happy you have a blog! It's a fun way to chronicle life's happenings.

You are so beautiful! Hailey was on my lap looking at your post and said" those are pretty girls" meaning you and your friends.

I'm so jealous you have a pool. Can't wait to come see it in a few weeks!

Jody said...

Yay - you finally got a blog! I am so happy! I love all the pictures and you look great and super-skinny as usual.

Amye Kay said...

YEAH! LOVE the header on your blog, super cute. I need to figure that one out. I sure wish I could have been with all you guys this last weekend...I can't remember the last time I saw Robin, it might have been at her "LUNG" birthday party, Kristen and I threw her, where you there, you know my memeory. Anyway, looks like you have the California life you have always wanted and I no longer live...I MISS having a pool and nice weather all the time. I can't believe Drew can swim like that. Swim lessons here are such a rare thing...Love you!

Unknown said...

I love the blog! It was so nice to spend some time with both you and Kristen. Next time we will have to get all of room 8 in the action.

Brian and Jennifer said...

Love your layout! So excited you started a blog so your husband can after you for spending too much time on it. I spend too much time looking at everyone's. Looks like you all have been having so much fun. I wish I was closer to share that pool with you. It looks beautiful. You look great and the kids are growing too fast. Little Drew has changed so much, and he's swimming!! Yay for Drew!!

Danielle said...

You did it! Good job! Even though we see you guys often (kinda) it's fun to keep in touch this way, too! You asked for my blog: it's edmondskids.blogspot.com. Keep the cute pictures coming!