Friday, August 23, 2013

Meredith's 37th Birthday

Birthday Get Away
Travis gave me the best gift for my birthday.  He booked us a night at the Mission Inn in Riverside, CA so I could escape all my responsibilities! 

This place was amazing.  It looked like we were right in the heart of Spain or Italy.  It wasn't anything I had expected.

Our room was in this court yard above.

 This was the walk to our room.  I loved the little chapel below.
 Hotel rooms, with the Mission Inn Restaurant below.

Duane's Restaurant
That night Travis made reservations at Duane's Restaurant that is in the Mission Inn.  It was so delicious, but very spendy.  A great place for special occasions.
Getting Cupcakes at Casey's Cupcakes.  They were Cup Cake War winners.....I told them my sis-n-law was also a Cup Cake War winner.  I am sure they don't hear that everyday.

Night shots at the Mission Inn

 Celebrating with Family......
 Liz had us over for Sunday dinner to celebrate mine and Payton's Birthday.  Her cupcake for me said 25yrs......that's as highest number she had. I'll take it!

 The night before we left we celebrated with the kids.  Travis got me some of my favorite makeup and the kids all made me cards.  Luke forgot to make one so he said it out loud to me right there.  It was really cute, he even started out saying "Dear Mom".  Brynn was so creative and made this compliment box that was filled with kind words for me.  She told me I could pull one out when I am having a bad day.

Celebrating with Friends......
 Amy, Carrie, Meredith, Tami, and Liana
Celebrating two of our birthdays while going out to breakfast at Martha Green's.  One of my favorite places.  Martha Green herself even came out and talked with us!
 Amy treating me to a fun & thoughtful!

 Jennie & Meredith
Enjoying a birthday lunch and shopping with one of my Yucaipa bestie! She is one of those friends you cant stop talking for 3 hours straight!
 Meredith & Liz
Got in some sister birthday time with Liz.  Another lunch!  Sissy time is the best!  I am so lucky to have so many people make me feel loved on my birthday.  It was a good one!

1 comment:

Brooke said...

What a wonderful celebration! I'm curious who your sis-n-law is and where her cupcake shop is?