Saturday, August 22, 2015

Travis's Alska Fishing Trip

 Travis went on a fishing trip to Craig Alaska.  He was invited by his client who covered the whole trip!  He knew it wasn't a trip he could pass up even if it was over my birthday!  Ha!  I didn't blame him.  He took 3 flights from LAX to Seattle to Ketchaken Alaska.  He caught tons of King Salmon, Halibut, and Coho Salmon. He brought home 50lbs of fish! Anyone who knows me knows I don't like fish, guess I need to get over that and start eating some.  He said it was an amazing trip and wants to take the boys some day!

 He saw a bald eagle swoop in the water grab a fish and take it back to it's nest!

1 comment:

The McGary's said...

I don't love fish either! Good luck eating 50 lbs. although cooking it would be the hard part for me, since I don't like it I don't know how to cook it.