Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Laguna Beach

 We actually had a short break in our schedules between baseball and All-Stars, so we took advantage and hit the beach.  We went to Laguna Beach for a week at Travis's clients condo.  It was right on the beach, so close that the waves would spray the windows.  It had its own private beach.  We had such a great time there!

 The private beach next to the condo

Smores at the Montage Resort

 Kamryn said she found her dream rocks at this beach.
 A tradtion to take a picture here with my kids at Dana Point

 Luke got this picture with his gopro
 We went whale watching and Kamryn made her way into the drivers seat twice.  We saw a blue whale and lots of Dolphins.  It was a great morning!

 Hitting the waves

 We found all these little crabs? or baby Lobsters all along the beach.  Kennedy tried throwing as many as she could to save them, but there were hundreds!

 Mama still has it
Go Kennedy!

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