Sunday, October 5, 2014

Surviving in the Wilderness/ Ebola

So I had bought this really yummy case of pears from Costco.  I had them on the counter waiting to get ripe enough to eat.  I walk by one day and see ALL these stab marks in them!  After doing some investigation I found out that Drew was playing surviving in the wilderness and sliced all the pears with a knife!  Needless to say I was not happy with him and he had just cost himself $5 out of his own wallet.  Lesson learned for next time.

One day Drew and Luke were out in the backyard playing baseball.  Drew kept striking out and was yelling at Jesus for not helping him.  I told him that wasn't appropriate and made him go to his room for 20 min to think about it and calm down.  Finally when Drew came down I asked what he did in his room.  He said he was talking with Jesus, and I said "oh you mean you were praying?"  He said "No I was just talking to him, I figured I better tell him sorry for yelling at him or else he might give me Ebola."  Haha!  I thought that was cute!

He also wrapped his arms around me one night while I was tucking him in and said "I want to kiss you so long, all the way till Jesus comes again!"  Love him.

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