Sunday, March 25, 2012

Adam & Eve

On Sunday's I bring the picture book of The Old Testament as one option my kids can look at during church.  For the past couple of weeks I have noticed Luke looking at the Adam and Eve story a bit closely. Finally today Luke asked "Mom, why are they naked?"  Trying to give the quick answer I told him "They don't know they are naked, they're like little kids, they don't know it's bad." Then Luke asked "Well, do they know what 1+1 is?"  I failed that teaching opportunity.


The Jackson's said...

Lol. Meredith that is funny. When we were in CA I got the Adam and Eve felt story from the library to use for singing time. Eve was not Church appropriate. It totally made me laugh that that was the picture they had of her. It was a little provacative.

Harrington said...

That is so funny! Your kids are hilarious.