Off to college she goes! Tried making the best of our last weekend. Visiting campus, Teton Mountains, Jackson Hole......Time forces you, whether your ready or not, to move on. As a mom, saying goodbye to your oldest is hard. You feel like you lose your daughter's childhood and a piece of your motherhood all in one moment. But my loss is now the Worlds gain. She can now go forth and shine and become who she's meant to be!Proverbs 22:6 "Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it." #riseup #bethelight#salisburylegacystartshere
All Packed up to Go
Just outside of Vegas, stopped to see the colorful rocks. Mom stayed in the car to cry! Haha!
Getting her some groceries before we leave
Getting her room all done
Brynn's bedroom roomate Alexa Donald
Family Legacy of BYU-I (Ricks College)
Revisiting where dad asked me to marry him! The Gardens at Ricks College. We also took our engagement pictures there.
Took a day to visit Jackson Hole
Saw some old College friends. The Lee's and Lathems
Dad's Old college apartment at Delta Phi
The dreaded moment of leaving your child has come! But we knew she would do awesome!
Brynn's First day of college picture. Travis ran back to campus last minute to surprise her and get it.