Headed out to the Brown Family Reunion. Jenna's family is moving to Connecticut because her husband Randy got a job offer to be the Institute Director at YALE UNIVERSITY! So we knew we needed to have one last reunion before they left across the country. We had quite the adventure driving there. We first stopped at Bearizona that is in Arizona. We drove in our car and had Bison, wolves, bears, goats, and rams surround our car. Sadly, the bears had just been fed so they were all laying around. Either way it was an awesome experience! Watching they bear cubs wrestle was they highlight! They were so cute!
We stopped and saw the Grand Canyon, it was gorgeous!
Luke was really nervous about being by the edge. He kept asking us "What if a crazy guy comes and throws me over the edge?!" I think his nerves got to him because he was even willing to hold mine and Travis's hand!! We had to get a picture, haha!
Arizona, Utah, Colorado, New Mexico
We drove to the middle of no where to stand in 4 states at once! Drew tried standing right on the dot to say he stood in NO STATES....
All the kids in a different state!

Brynn 14yrs
Kennedy 13yrs
Luke 11yrs
Drew 8yrs
Kamryn 6yrs
Sun-setting on our drive to Monticello
Group Shot
We hiked to Indian Ruins, see them up in the caves.
Then we walked thru a tunnel under the mountain to the other side. I was brave and did it, but was shaking like a leaf...........the older I get the more claustrophobic I get!!!
Went to Blandings Pool after the hike, pretty much to use as our bath! We had no water for showers at camp for 2 days!

Travis giving CPR to

Brynn and Mckayd share the same birthday this week, so they got to do Grandma and Grandpa's money jar!
Went to play at Recapture Lake! Cousins all dancing to "Turn Down For What?"
Our sister freedom swim, we swam across the lake and came back real slow while listening to all the chaos of our children that we were coming back too. Haha!
Dance Party (Liz had us do dances to our era)
Dance Party with all the cousins
Playing on the Dude Ranch
Uncle Randy taking Kamryn and others
Smore Night with these cuties
Sadie, Kamryn, Davie, Riley, Dakota
Drew and Pearce showed their baseball skills
Salisbury Family doing a skit
Kennedy did the Napoleon Dance for the Talent show! She was Awesome!
Liz and I bought Jenna Tweezers and a Mirror for her birthday to take care of all of our whiskers!!
Makeup day for these little ones!
Riley, Addie, Davie, Kamryn, and Sadie
Really going to miss my sis Jenna! I will have to go out and see her!!
We hiked to Delicate Arch on our way out of town. It was so beautiful to see in person, I am so glad we took the time to hike it. It was 3 miles round trip and 100 degrees out. Kamryn cried most the way, which meant Travis had to carry her most of the way. On our way down we ended up giving 3 different Italians some water, and was was really bad with heat stroke that Travis had to help carry him down to his bus. So I went ahead with the kids and whinny Kamryn. She was asking me to carry her and I told her I couldn't, so then she turned her questions into "Why are you so weak mom?" So after getting chewed out by her and finally making it to flat ground I attempted to carry her for a bit. The Italians finally made it to their bus and we finally made it to the car and hit the road at 3:00pm for an 11 hour drive back to CA!!!!!!!
A kiss under Delicate Arch
Kids resting in the shade before we head down
Travis doing one of his "Travis Tricks" at the Arch
Amazing hike, worth every step, awesome family reunion, love my family, will miss my sister!
Kamryn excited to get home and see her friend Sara! We rolled in at 1am CA time, but really it was like 2am in UT!