We rented a week at the Marriott Villas in Newport Beach. I love this place because it's up on a bluff and everywhere you look you can see the ocean. It is so beautiful! It was just our family, and it was nice seeing the kids play together as friends. We had an amazing week of R & R!
Travis & Luke playing pool poolside.
Kamryn & Kennedy walking to the pool.
Every night we went out to the campfire for smores!
I love the ocean behind us...
I love the ocean behind us...
Brynn, a week away from turning 13yrs!
Laguna Beach, CA
We went to this little beach called Goff Island Beach. It was more of a cove so the waves were really calm, making it a great place to let the kids try and snorkel. They even saw a huge Monterey Stringray 20 feet from shore.

Luke & Kennedy snorkeling
Brynn & Kennedy exploring.
Luke & Drew
Pelican Rock
Salisbury Bunch
Kamryn burying her feet in the hot sand.
Luke & Travis playing ball.
Right when we were about to leave we were washing our feet off and I noticed a golf cart drive by and in it was Kobe Bryant from the L.A. Lakers with his daughter! So we decided linger a little longer!

Brynn & Luke with Kobe Bryant in the back round.
Kobe & daughter in his Cabana.
Of course we took these pictures slyly, we didn't want to embarrass ourselves, but couldn't pass up the moment either!
So close to Kobe for an hour! We said "Hi", but he kept kind of distant from everyone, so before we left Luke, Drew, and Kennedy went up to talk to him. They told him that they really love the Lakers. He was really friendly with them, and asked if they have had a fun day. So with a wave goodbye our "miracle" day as my kids call it, was over!

One night we went up to Huntington Beach to the Ruby's Diner at the end of the Pier. It was so yummy and fun!
While we were walking back on the Peir, a fisherman caught a baby shark! The kids thought this day couldn't get any better!
Sunset at the Huntington Pier............
Newport Beach, CA
We decided to go right to the heart of Newport this day. The kids had a great time boogie boarding and playing football. I had a fun time sitting on my towel watching!

Sisters 12yrs & 11yrs just a year and a half apart!
These tide pools were amazing at Lauguna Beach, Trav an I escaped to check them out and had to get a shot of the rocks and blue water.....it was so pretty!
A successful marriage requires falling in love many times, always with the same person.
-Mignon McLaughlin
-Mignon McLaughlin
Salt Creek Beach, CA
This beach is so pretty. It has a huge grassy field you walk down to get to the sand. The waves were big, so the kids were loving it!
Sand Castle time. It was cute watching them all work together.
About 7 years ago I took this same picture in this same spot, but only had 3 kids. So we decided to update the photo.
Mom & 5 kids!
We had an amazing week as a family together. We only have 5 more summers together as a complete family, we got to use them well!