My dear friend Makala from Nursing School (and was Travis's life long neighbor) went through the hard trial of Postpartum Depression after her twins were born. One day I called her and I knew she was in serious trouble just by the sound of her voice. Afraid I would offend her, I told her I had a friend who went through the same thing and wondered if I could have her talk with her. Instantly Makala asked "Can she call me now?" Knowing I didn't have the tools to help my sweet friend, I knew someone who did. So Shelly spoke with Makala on the phone for several months. She was there for her in her darkest days!....Fast Forward and Makala is doing so much better and is throwing a survival party for her twins 1yr old birthday. She wanted everyone who helped her survive this past year to come. Even though she knew Shelly lived out of state, she still wanted to send her an invite. Shelly came up with the idea for us to go and surprise her at the we did!

Shelly & I on our early morning flight to Washington.
We got to spend the afternoon shopping with Sherri and some of my sister in laws.
Ariana, Jande, Sherri, Shay, Meredith, & Jennifer
Surprising Makala at the Party......Shelly and her meeting in person for the first time! So touching!
Meredith, Makala, & Shelly
The next day we were able have a lunch date with Makala and her friend Lizza. She was Makala's angel here in WA during the past year. SO happy for Makala that the year is behind her. We loved our girl time!
That night all the Salisbury's that live near came together for a big date night at Texas Road House. It was such a fun night to see everyone. They are such a fun family. Being around Travis's family without him sure made me miss him!
Mark & Sherri, Shelly & Meredith, Ariana & Brett, Jennifer & Brian, Shaun & Shay, Chad & Jande
The next morning we went to church in Travis's home ward. We had a yummy Sunday dinner and headed back home. This weekend was very touching and even though my part was small I felt honored to have had the oppertunity to be there. Love you Makala!