Luke came home from school one day and his tooth had fallen out. So we put it in a little zip lock back for him to put under his pillow that night. When bed time came around he couldn't find his little bag with the tooth. So we looked all over, I even dug into the gross garbage can! Never found it, so I sent a disappointed boy off to bed. The next day we looked and looked and still couldn't find it. So Luke wrote a note saying he had lost it, but still hoped to get his money. Well the Tooth Fairy didn't show that night, we have a really bad one that works in our house. She must of had him on the bottom of her list because she came right before he left to school that day.

The next day rolls around and all of a sudden I hear a grossed out scream from Kennedy: A few days prior Brynn grabbed a zip lock bag off the counter and crunched up dry Top Ramen in it that she had been snacking on for the past couple of days. Well Kennedy decides to eat some and bites into something hard.....she pulls out Luke's tooth! So sick. Kennedy was not amused, and Luke was thrilled!