Travis's little sister got married on Dec 10th in the Columbia River Temple. We flew in and there was freezing fog, making it difficult for the plane to land. After some prayers, the plane landed. It was 22 degrees out and all the tree's looked like this, it was cold, but beautiful!

Travis went out with his brothers while they did a bit of duck hunting.
Waiting outside the Temple for the Bride and Groom!
Mr. & Mrs. Clyde
All of Travis brothers and sisters were here!
Look at all those brothers!
Brynn holding the bouquet....dreaming of her big day!
The cousin of the groom is Spencer Hadley who plays football for BYU. Luke had to get a shot with him.
Our family outside the temple.
A full wedding day can wipe you out......
The reception night......
Cutting the was sooo good!
Kennedy and Brynn
I am so grateful we took the whole family up there. It was such a special day with such a special feeling, I am so happy my kids were able to feel that and be apart of this day. I know this day left a strong impression on all their little spirits!