Well it is that time of year when my kids are out on spring break for 2 weeks, and taxes are piled high on my husband's desk......so we left dad and headed up to Utah for our annual trip. We had such a great time! The first stop on the list was Las Vegas where my good friend Julie Shipp lives. She was my nursing school buddy at Ricks. We were always at the library till closing, waking up at 4:45 for nursing clinicals, and even went to Mexico together to do our Pediatrics rotation of school. We always got asked if we were sisters.....even in Mexico they would ask if we were hermanas?

All our kids got a long great. It was a fun evening and she even convinced me to get up at 6am for a 4.4 mile run!! If she would have told me it was going to be that far, I would thought about backing out.....but I would do it for her ( I know she normally runs farther)...I am so glad I did it, we got some good talking time AND I felt cool to say I actually ran that far.
Next Stop: Cedar City Utah. We hit up my sister Liz for 2 nights, and another on the way back! I love spending time at Liz's she is such a fun person to be around....she took pictures for me, let us go to the movies, and took us to a fun work zone that Jeremy created for his company. She fed me SO good and healthy that it convinced me to try and cook like her.

Kids with Jeremy on the Rinho

My sister Jenna happened to be crashing there the second night too. So we took advantage of our very few and far between sister time and went out for ice cream! There is nothing like a sister....I am so lucky to have 3 of them! The next morning us sisters went to a killer workout that Liz does every morning. It was intense, and we were super sore, but it was SO much fun.
Next Stop: Kaysville, Utah. Off to Grandma's house we go. I parked it at my parents for 4 days. It was so nice just to hang at HOME again. I loved letting my kids get some one on one time with Grandma and Grandpa Brown. With 25 cousins that does not come around very often. Most the time my girls were at their cousin Madison's house....they loved every minute of that. Usually it was me, Kamryn and the two boys. Although, Luke got to go out to his cousins Kayson's house for a night. They had not seen each other for a year and they were already putting each other in head locks minutes after reuniting. We did a family dinner on Sunday where 4 siblings out of 7 got together. I went out with my really fun sister Mishaun one night, I loved the uninterrupted time. Thanks to my sweet Mom who watched the kids for me.

Luke and Drew sleeping at Grandma's house

Sadie Brown, Grandma Brown, and Kamryn

Me and Janell Brown just hanging

Family dinner night
Rj/Mishaun Barnes, Janel/Trent Brown Grandma/Grandpa Brown
LeRoy/Kelli Brown, and Meredith

All the cousins together

We took a whole morning and made new table cloths for my table. It was one of my goals to do while I was up there since I am not as good of a seamstress as my mom and sis. I LOVE my new table cloths, they are so cute!!! Thanks for all the help, I needed it!

Luke Dunking

Drew Dunking
(Notice Jarom beside him.....Drew LOVES him and followed him around hopelessly. He even started making me do his hair like his. He asked me all day long if his hair STILL looked like Jarom's.)

Kids/Cousins Hiking

Kennedy loving the out doors

This is an FHE game my family is famous for playing. You have to roll a dice and get a 6.....once you get a 6 you have to put on a hat, glove, and start stabbing a chocolate bar with a fork. You get to eat as much as you can until someone else rolls the 6.....Luke had a stomach ache after.

Drew not understanding the game and wanting to eat all the chocolate!
Next stop: Provo, Utah for 2 nights at Kristen Decker's house.....This one of my favorite stops. For one, I get to be with my best friend from England (no she's not British...both our dads were stationed there in the Air Force). The second reason is ALL the fun shopping! We got a babysitter for a whole day and went out. Just me and her. I loved it. I NEVER get a sitter and just go out shopping for the day. The two things I love, shopping and spending time with a best friend. She is such a great friend and always a great example! Thanks Kristen......

Kennedy, Kenzi Decker, and Brynn

The Salisbury girls....we all got matching hats.

Luke with Reese Decker

I guess Drew asked Kristen to take a picture of him praying....what a nut!


Bedtime for 3 giggly girls!
Even though 20 hours in the car by myself with 5 kids does not sound appealing....I would do it all over again for them to have this chance to make lasting friendships and build stronger relationships with family. I find it important to surround my children with these opportunities. Everyone made us feel so welcomed, it was such a wonderful trip. I learn a little bit from each of you at each stop. Making me want to be a better person. Thanks again...........can't wait to see you next year!