We had been getting rain all week. Then Friday morning we woke up to this, about 6 inches of snow! It was such a fun surprise, Travis went and woke up all the kids (6:15am). It was an official "Snow Day", school got canceled! They all ran out in whatever we could piece together as a snow outfit (hoodies, material gloves, sneakers, fleece PJ bottoms, rain boots, etc.) We didn't have much to work with. The kids still had a great time. Too bad their material mittens were drenched after one snowball fight.

A dream come true for the kids!

Travis's 6ft snow man, even topped off with an Indiana Jones Hat.

All the neighbors playing (Brynn is riding, and Kennedy is on the sled)

We love getting a taste of this every once in awhile, this stayed for two days. Then I realize after the kids have drenched three outfits in the snow within an hour, have dripped all over the house, and are crying because their hands sting, I am ready for it to melt and get sunny again.