I decided to leave my husband in piles of tax returns and head up to UT for our spring break. I knew it was going to be hard, but the good times would be worth it. I have never taken so much TUMS in my life, I had lots of yummy food and lots of laughs! First stop Liz's (9 months preg):

Liz and I would stay up and watch: American Idol and Top Model and eat tons of buttery popcorn and cake!

Drew and Kamryn with their cousin Davie!

Liz riding with the kids in their Rhino
Next stop was with my best friend from England, Kristen Decker. We go all the way back to 10th grade. This visit was full of memories, laughs, food, and great shopping! I always look forward to my visits with her, she always makes me laugh, and we think so much a like. All the kids had a buddy.

Kristen and Meredith

Robin was one of our
roommates in College. We had the best dorm room (Amye we missed you!!). She came up for a night to visit and have dinner, and of course more dessert!

Luke and Camden

Emery and Kamryn

Kennedy, Brynn, and Kenzi
Next stop was my brother Leroy's house. I parked it there for 3 days. Sunday night we had a family get together where the families of Mishaun, Leroy, Trent, and me all got together for a dinner and did I say dessert???

All of us visiting my parents house that is being built in Kaysville, while they are away on a mission in China. Our first family gathering there!

Kamryn at Grandma's house

Leroy, Meredith, Trent, and Mishaun
Four of the 7 kids together. I won't tell you why we are all smiling so big! Hint: Trent pinched something!

Jarom and Drew (cousins) they were best buddies on the trip
Next stop was to Trent's house in West Jordan. The kids all played really good together. We had a great time making bows, visiting, and eating Janell's left over wedding cake scraps! They were amazing! Did I mention I had to invest in TUMS on this trip?

Drew, Sadie, Addie, Kayson, Luke, Brynn, and Kennedy
I had such a fun time hanging out with family and friends. For the most part my kids were pretty good. Living out of a suit case for 10 days got a little old. We all enjoyed ourselves, but were pretty tired by the end. For the last 30 minutes of the drive I was drained and wouldn't even respond to "mom". So I am glad to be back in Travis's arms, only 5 more days of busy season left! I made it, and my kids are all alive. Thanks everyone for letting the "tax widow"and her 5 kids come crowd you out of your house for a few days. We love you!