Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Family Pictures
Thursday, December 25, 2008

As Drew used to say... "Merry Mitmas!" This post is for the Grandma/Grandpa in WA State, and for Grandma/Grandpa in China! We had a great Christmas. On Christmas Eve my brother Clint and his family came over for dinner, a Christmas message, and gift exchange. I always love the night of Christmas Eve with my family. In the morning we have a rule where the kids can not come in our room till 6am. Well, this year Drew woke up the whole hall at 4:45am! So, finally Travis and I caved at 5:15am after realizing there would be no hope of anymore shut eye. We spent the morning getting toys put together and putting in batteries! Later in the day we heated up the Hot tub and started a new Salisbury tradition. It was so fun to be in the warm hot tub with the air so cold. Travis even jumped in the big pool with the water temperature at 41 degrees---CrAzY!! Then we headed off to Clint's house for a nice Christmas dinner and family time. We missed being with ALL of our family, but am thankful to have my brother here to share the holidays, and a healthy family.
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Coloring My Own Hair!
Well I have been tired of my "mousy" brown hair. A couple of months ago I went and got it professionally colored to be dark for the winter, but it faded so quickly (as you will see in the future family pix I will post). So I decided to try to be BRAVE, and consider doing it myself. I have never colored my own hair, but I was ready to liven it up a bit and give it a try! I am happy with the color, although it's a little edgy for me. When I see it in the mirror, I don't like it as much as I do in pictures, I think I just need to get used to it. I hope Travis likes it because I accidentally did a "permanent" color, rather than semi! Oops!
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Lizzie is here!
I love when family comes to visit. Liz and her husband Jeremy came to drop off their sweet little girl for us to watch as they head out to Hawaii! So we took advantage and went out on a group date with my brother Clint and his wife. I love being with my brothers and sisters. I am so glad I live 5 minute from Clint, he is such a fun brother, and is so good to me. Liz is the baby and totally a crack up. Everyone loves to be around her. We went to Spaghetti Factory to eat, after much "loud laughter" we went to Mission Inn in Riverside to see the Christmas lights. It was such a fun date.
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Brynn's Nativity Performance

All the 8-11yr old girls sang in a nativity performance for Enrichment Night. They all were asked to wear their baptism dress. Well, Brynn pulled hers out and there such thing as a "hoochy" baptism dress?! Let's just say she grew a few inches over the year. It was so short on her, and it was the only white dress she had. So I kept tugging on the hem to make it longer, but Travis was worried I was ruining it for when Kennedy wears it this spring. It's just cotton, I can throw in back in the washer and it will go back to normal, right?
Anyway, besides the wardrobe malfunction, it was such a sweet night. The girls sounded like little angels. Brynn was so beautiful in her little simple dress. She did a good job singing in her duet. That was a big step for her. Way to go Brynn!
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Christmas Time
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
We had a nice Thanksgiving, Travis's brother and family came up from San Diego. This was going to be our last visit because they are moving up to WA. They came and stayed for four days, and we had a nice time. We went to In and Out, ate, up to Oak Glen, ate, went on a double date, ate, hot tubbed, ate, and set up our Christmas tree, and ate. The kids play so well, and really had a fun time together. Shaun and Shay kids are angels, so after the observation, all I could hear were my kids whining, crying, fighting, and throwing tantrums! On our last night, Luke came in at 4am and was screaming/crying because he wasn't sleeping on the couch where dad promised to move him. What?! Is this really happening at 4am?! So after a rough night and a realization that my kids were stinks, I had a melt down right in front of my company. Totally crying in front of them---sorry Shaun and Shay....So for FHE that night Travis and I lined all the kids up and talked about the things each one did that week and what they need to change, even down to Drew calling me a "meanie". My sensitive Kennedy was sobbing in her hands, Luke was holding a strong face with tears in his eyes, and Brynn didn't cry till she heard (for punishment) there was NO FHE treat , then the flood gates opened. I think the talk really worked because they have been so pleasant and helpful these past couple of days---my sweet babes are back.....for now!
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